Introducing Vape Recycling at W&S Recycling

05 June 2024

Approximately 5 million disposable vapes are thrown away each week in the UK, most of them going to landfill. However, W&S Recycling are excited to be turning that around with our new vape recycling facilities.

Despite the ban on single-use vapes in 2023, the disposal of reusable and battery-operated items is still quite dangerous as large numbers of batteries and harmful chemicals are still being thrown in with general waste and heading to landfills. These can cause wastefires and impact the surrounding land and ecosystem.

Despite being classed as WEEE waste, vape disposal is currently unregulated, which is a cause for concern within the waste industry and for our environment.

Our recycling service aims to improve this, providing local vape users in Dorset and Oxford with a place to responsibly dispose of their vapes, where the materials will be recycled and handled safely to prevent environmental damage and fires.

What Is Our Vape Service?

Our recycling sites will have several barrels dedicated to the collection of used vapes.

You will be able to visit your local site with your waste vapes and put them in our barrels. The process couldn't be simpler.

On arrival, you will need to visit our weighbridge, where we will confirm the waste you are disposing of and direct you to the right area.

You will be able to drive up to the barrels and dispose of your vapes before heading back to our weighbridge for any relevant paperwork and to pay.

With the waste where it needs to be and paperwork in your hands, you will be able to leave our facility confident in the knowledge that you have done the right thing and are contributing to a safe and clean environment.

Why Is Vape Recycling Important?

Vape recycling is important because of the environmental impact that vapes can have, as well as their impact on the health and safety of those working within the waste industry.

Batteries are one of the biggest causes of waste fires with so many reusable vape batteries being thrown in with general waste, the likelihood of a waste fire is increased.

When disposed of correctly, the batteries are kept away from other flammable materials and handled safely, keeping the risk of fire low.

Metallic and nanoparticles from vapes can also seep into the environment when left to decompose at a landfill, which impacts water quality and soil quality.

Finally, recycling vapes means we can reuse the plastic and metals that create them, reducing manufacturing needs and the carbon footprint implications of running these factories.

Vape Disposal with W&S

We are thrilled to be able to offer this service and look forward to expanding it where possible to help businesses, education facilities and hospitality to provide sustainable recycling solutions for vapes.

Get in touch with us to learn more about this new service by calling us on 01202 675564 or completing our online form.

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Businesses we Work With

Atlas Elektronik Logo
Coty Logo
Dorset Council Logo
Epta Logo
Hendy Logo
Magna Housing Logo
Oxfordshire County Council Logo
Parvalux Logo
Poole Audi Logo
Poole Volvo Logo
Royal National Lifeboat Institution Logo
TestLink Logo
Trents Logo
Dorset Police Logo
Dorset Wildlife Trust Logo
Litter Free Dorset Logo
Swanage Carnival Logo

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